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Analysis Support Service

CellPurics' analytical support services optimize the experimental design to meet customer's experimental objectives
and provide reliable results using validated test methods.


Analyzable Animal Types: Rats, Mice, Chickens, Dogs, Rabbits, etc.
Analyzable Specimen Types: Brain, Eye, Tongue, Nasal Cavity, Liver, Kidney, Spleen, Colon, Lung, Heart, Uterus, Ovary, Skin, Joint, Skeletal Muscle, etc.

Paraffin Block Cryo Block Unstained Slide H&E Stain Special Stain (e.g., Oil red O, Alcian Blue, Sirius Red, Toluidine Blue, Masson’s Trichrome, PAS, and TUNEL) Immuno Stain (IHC, IF) Antibody Optimization Slide Scan Image Analysis Pathology Analysis, Peer Review